Happy Planning!
Freelancers Employees Event-planners Crew
Congress halls
Stages Congress halls Theaters Tours Festivals
Event planning tools
that make sense
For everyone
Make planning your events and availability as fast as possible for planner & professional with tools satisfying for everyone to use
All on one integrated platform so you can focus on what really matters and get to work
Two Teams,
One Goal.
Your account
Have the peace of mind of having one account that reaches all of your employers.
Save yourself the hassle of multiple logins.
Import calendars and set your availability straight from your calendars with our marker system; No need to log in - set and forget.
Accept Roles
Find your roles & accept/decline new roles from multiple Organizations on your Market.
Get connected to files & information.
Share with anyone
Contacts outside of the platform can be
given your personal contact-card link.
Click here for a live demo
Get going
Accepted roles show up with all relevant information - tap the project details to get to files & info and click to navigate.
> Everything in one account
> Broadcast your availability to anyone
> Interact with multiple Organizations
> Start your day off knowing where to begin
> Get started for free!
All your contacts
With your Professional account, create an Organization - add professionals and assign to your custom groups & roles to get started.
Information in seconds
Get live insights into your crew’s availability as you plan your projects - either plan directly or post your job on their market place.
Centralised Projects
A place for files, crews and more.
This modular environment can be
customised per your project’s need.
Manage together
Add planners, administrators & owners easily.
In projects upgrade anyone to project manager and give them full control.
Plan together
Our flexible project table is there for you and your planners - copy & create templates, invite & plan crew, set times and search.
> Create a single source of truth
> Replace emails with a live environment
> Plan together with your team
> Invest in a platform that is making investments
for the benefit of all parties involved